Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sanskrit Yoga Terms

Yoga Journal - Yoga Quizzes & Tools - 200 Key Sanskrit Yoga Terms#c#c

Instruction for the first time

On Thanksgiving morning, my niece and I practiced yoga. We got our yoga mats out and practiced in my parent’s backyard. It was exciting for me because I got to be an instructor and she was my student.  She’s a gymnast and many of her warm-up exercises include yoga asanas. Her experience with certain poses such as the plank and the boat made teaching somewhat easier.
This was good a rehearsal for me to know if I would like teaching; and how to read body and facial language.  Since she is only seven, I tried poses that had interesting names such as downward-facing dog, the warrior (II) and chattaranga. She really liked saying chattaranga:-) 

Downward-Facing Dog

Warrior II

Friday, November 19, 2010

Super Yogi Smoothie!

Awesome breakfast smoothie:

orange juice
ripe banana
coconut milk
shredded coconut
wheat germ
ground flax seed


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy days are here again!

Found! After two days of searching my apartment and car and retracing my steps, I found it: my yoga journal. It was in a paper bag, I vaguely remember putting it in there. In any case, I found my beloved yoga journalJ

Monday, November 15, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Yoga in the outdoors

I woke up to a cold and breezy morning. No outside yoga practice this morning for me, unlike yesterday when I enjoyed a beautiful morning practice in my parent’s back yard.   I enjoyed the tranquility of the outdoors along with the animal banter of chickens and roosters, and the barks and footsteps of dogs chasing squirrels.  My practice ended just as I starting hearing cars drive in the neighborhood. Maybe tomorrow morning will be warmer…