Wednesday, October 27, 2010

An addition to my small yoga library

Latest yoga book for my collection: Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga

Build Your Yoga Library-
 From Daily Insight newsletter from Yoga Yournal

If you've been taking asana classes for a while, you've probably realized just how much there is to know about the practice of yoga. There's yoga philosophy, yoga history, Sanskrit, and seemingly a million different modern styles and lineages. So many other things have come together to make yoga what it is today that it's close to impossible to know it all. And with the recent rise in yoga's popularity, there are so many yoga books, CDs, and DVDs available that it can be overwhelming to start delving deeper into the yoga topics you yearn to know more about. Take heart: We've done the legwork for you.

Yoga teacher and scholar Richard Rosen has studied yoga—and collected books about yoga—for more than 20 years. He recommends that beginning students start with books such as B.K.S. Iyengar's The Tree of Yoga to get a crash course, that intermediate students reach for the Bhagavad Gita, and that more advanced students might appreciate the first known text about yoga, the Yoga Sutra. Thankfully, there's a book or video out there for every kind of yoga practitioner. Whether you're just starting or you're a seasoned practitioner, there's always room to grow.

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